Hayride at McCall's Pumpkin Patch
Throughout the year our group goes on a number of field trips to enrich our children’s’ education and provide them with more opportunities to interact. Some of the field trips we have gone on in recent years are:
McCall’s Pumpkin Patch
Spanish Colonial Days at El Rancho de las Golondrinas
Ballets at the KiMo Theatre (Nutcracker and the spring school show ballet)
Spring School Show at Albuquerque Little Theatre
Learning about butterflies from Wings of Enchantment
Visiting Our Lady of Perpetual Help Byzantine Catholic Church
Sorghum Press - Las Golondrinas
The field trips are managed overall by out Field Trip Coordinator, but are individually coordinated by CCCHE members on a volunteer basis. Any ideas members have for field trips can be communicated directly to the Field Trip Coordinator or brought up at our evening meetings.
Being a butterfly!
While some field trips happen close to our main CCCHE events due to when they are offered, we usually try to plan the field trips such that we are only having a CCCHE offering about once a month. Our goal is to enrich our children’s education and provide them with times to play and learn together.