Students choose an aspect of the defined topic to research, design an audio/visual aid and prepare an oral presentation. The student project is supposed to have a clear Catholic connection and be placed in historical context or show the historical significance of the topic. The topics usually march through time in blocks, such as The Church’s First 500 Years, 500 to 1300 A.D., The Renaissance: 1300 to 1600 A.D., although special topics like Catholic Art & Architecture or Catholic History in America have been chosen too.
The Elementary students receive judge comments on a simple form to give them feedback on their presentation in a constructive manner, but are not scored and do not compete for places. This allows the younger students an opportunity to learn how to develop and present a research topic. The Middle School and High School students are formerly judged, receiving comments and scores to allow them to advance in their research and presentation skills. Top places are awarded with prizes.
All parents are encouraged to attend the event to give the students an audience to appreciate their hard work. An informal potluck reception is held after the event. Participation certificates and a small gift for participating (candy bar, religious bookmark and pencil, etc.) are given to each student and the upper grade prizes are awarded.
This represents one of our larger events for the year and is a fun way for our students to learn more about their Catholic faith while at the same time developing useful research, organization and presentation skills. It is a spring event, usually held in April that is looked forward to by many of our students and parents alike.