Corpus Christi Catholic Home Educators
Special Events

In addition to our standard CCCHE events that definitely occur each year, we usually have a few additional events throughout the year plus field trips. Some of the special events that may occur in the year are a beginning of school mass with some park playtime, going to church for St. Nicholas' Feast Day and our Christmas Cookie Exchange. It is up to the membership each year to decide what special events they would like to have. Ideas for these events can be communicated at our evening meetings or directly to the President, who will present them to the group.

Here are a few details and pictures of past CCCHE events:
  1. All Saints' Day
  2. Annual Catholic History Fair
  3. Easter Monday
  4. Field Trips
  5. Corpus Christi June Picnic
  6. May Crowning

Copyright © 2010 CCCHE
Website by Joseph Malone